Edible Wild Plants and Mushrooms in/around Charlton

Thursday, April 276:00—8:00 PMDexter HallCharlton Public Library40 Main St., Charlton, MA, 01507

Charlton and surrounding communities are home to over 100 species of edible wild plants. Many of these species are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated counterparts. The region is also home to dozens of species of edible mushrooms. Join Russ Cohen, wild edibles enthusiast and author of the book Wild Plants I Have Known…and Eaten, for a 90-minute slideshow covering at least three dozen of the tastiest species the region has to offer. Keys to the identification of each species will be provided, along with info on edible parts, season(s) of availability, and preparation methods. Guidelines for safe and environmentally responsible foraging will also be covered. Russ will accompany his talk with handouts and several foraged goodies made with wild ingredients. Registration is requested.

About Russ: until his retirement in June 2015, Russ served as the Rivers Advocate for the Mass. Dept. of Fish and Game's Division of Ecological Restoration, where one of his areas of expertise was in reparation vegetation. These days Russ leads foraging walks and talks and presents throughout the Northeast. Read more about Russ HERE.

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