CPL Book Group- Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead
Thursday, February 86:00—7:00 PMCommunity Meeting RoomCharlton Public Library40 Main St., Charlton, MA, 01507
The Charlton Public Library Book Group meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00. New members are welcome to join us whether you have read the book, partially read the book, or it's in your "to-read" pile. Title suggestions are encouraged: criteria is that the book needs to be available in multiple formats: regular print, large print, and downloadable in eBook and eAudiobook format. The library orders the books for the members through the interlibrary loan system and they are available for checkout one month prior to discussion date from the main circulation desk.
If you would like to be added to the email list, or have a title suggestion, please email Karen Wall at cpldirector@cwmars.org.
Those wishing to attend virtually via Zoom, please use: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88235025038
Meeting ID: 882 3502 5038
No Registration Required